The prostate cancer is one of the major type of cancer among men and the treatment options for this condition is widely available in India. Health opinion provides the best options for the consultations and also the surgery options in various hospitals across India under some of the best doctors and hospitals. There are various prostate surgeries which are prescribed for the presenting problems. But before we go for the surgery it is very necessary to know about out the specific problems in detail which will help us to understand about the condition and also for the good and early recovery.
The prostate is an organ in male and it is a walnut-sized gland which is located anterior to the rectum and posterior to the urinary bladder. It consists of gland cells which produce the seminal fluid with the function of protecting and nourishing the sperm cells in the semen. Prostate cancer is made up of cells that do grow abnormally. These abnormal cells will divide and create new cells which are not necessary for the body and forms a mass of tissue which is called as a tumor. These abnormal cells may spread to other parts of the body and multiply and could cause even death.
Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths among men in the western countries. The incidence appears to be less in Asia which is probably related to the under-diagnosis and very low awareness among patients. Many people are not aware of screening for the prostate cancer and most of the prostate cancer cases which is usually identified are in a very advanced stage.
Symptoms of Prostate Cancer:
Prostate Cancer Screening:
Screening helps to look for the possible chances of signs in people who are not able to explain the presence of symptoms. The screening helps to identify the disease early which will ultimately help for the early detection of the disease and also the good recovery after the surgery. The main screenings which are carried out for prostate cancer are DRE (Digital rectal examination) and PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen test). These tests will not tell us whether the patient has cancer, but this will help for further investigations if anything is been identified.
Digital Rectal Examination is the first step in the screening here the doctor will do the rectal examination in which it helps to feel the prostate since it is anterior to the rectum to find any irregular or abnormally firm areas
PSA Test:
PSA is Prostate Specific Antigen which is produced by the prostate gland into the blood. The PSA test will measure the level of PSA in the blood which will help the doctors to go forward to decide the treatment options.
The following factors may affect the PSA
If the test is NEGATIVE it provides a peace of mind, if the test is positive, early detection of prostate cancer will enable a better chance of the effective treatment.
Treatment of Prostate Cancer:
The treatment of prostate cancer depends on the various factors like age of the patient, the extent of cancer which has spread to the other parts of the body, the associated illness for the patient and also the overall health condition of the patient. Whenever the prostate cancer is detected in its early stages and hasn’t spread beyond the prostate the following options are available
1. Carefully waiting by monitoring the patient
Frequent checking of PSA and DRE. Periodic assessment of the patient is done here and whenever the prostate cancer causes any trouble the surgeon will immediately take the necessary options according to the patient’s condition.
2. Surgery (Radical Prostatectomy)
Removal of the prostate gland.
3. External Radiation Therapy
Here the cancer cells will be destroyed through the radiation techniques.
4. Internal Radiation Therapy (Brachytherapy)
This is a minor procedure in which a radioactive pellet will be inserted inside or adjacent to the cancer area to destroy the cancer cells.
5. Hormone Therapy
In this treatment method, certain hormones will be given to the person. Here they will keep a special probe inside or near the prostate area to freeze and destroy the cancer cells.
The treatment options totally depend on the patient’s condition. The choice will be discussed with the patients by the treating doctor before the treatment.